F-22 Initial Short-Period Mode Specifications

The original F-22 short-period mode specifications were a control anticipation parameter of 1.0, and a damping ratio of 0.8. CAP values were around 0.35 rad/s^2/g at high airspeed. This was raised to 1.0 for low airspeeds. The final damping ratios were around 1.1-1.2.


  • [1] RTO-TR-029
  • [2] J. Harris and G. Black, “F-22 control law development and flying qualities,” in 21st Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, San Diego,CA,U.S.A.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jul. 1996. doi: 10.2514/6.1996-3379.


Damping Curve Charts
F-22 Flight Control System