Panavia Tornado Taileron Acceleration Limits

The acceleration limits of the Panavia Tornado taileron were caused by the current limiting of the servo amplifier that drives the first stage actuator.[^1] Acceleration limits and rate limits have caused a PIO.[^2] This caused large pitch amplitudes causing a loss of control prior to touchdown.[^2] The Taileron and rudder actuators have quad redundancy.[^3]

[[HIRM Model]] – also uses a Taileron
[[F-18 Aileron Actuator]] – shows position of a similar servo amplifier


  • [1] RTO-TR-029
  • [2] NATO, Ed., Flight Vehicle Integration Panel Workshop on Pilot Induced Oscillations: = (Atelier sur le Pompage Piloté). in AGARD advisory report, no. 335. Neuilly-sur-Seine: AGARD, 1995.
  • [3] O. Friedrich and B. Young, “Tornado, An Advanced STOL Fighter-Bomber Design.” Accessed: Oct. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available:


[[Control Surface Rate Limits]]
[[Hardware Current Limits]]
[[Operational Amplifiers]]
Pilot-Induced Oscillations
Tornado GR4]]
[[Tornado SPILS]]
[[Tornado Ailerons]]