The digital flight control system was developed using Simulink.[2] It used gain scheduling and switching logic to simulate rudder interconnects that were developed in the analog system.[2] The actuator duty cycle was lower than other modern aircraft.[2] SAS system inputs were in series with the pilot inputs.[3]

The analog flight control system used differential stabilizers in the feedback loop as well as feed-forward differential spoiler deflections to generate roll moments.[1] The analog controller had significant coupling in the lateral-directional axis.[5] The hydraulic system ran at 3000 psi.[6]
[[Linear Model Extraction]] – used to develop digital flight control system
[[F-14 PA ARI]] – power approach control system
EQS – MATLAB toolbox for reduced-order model
CADC – central air data computer
[[F-117 Air Data Probes]] – pressure transducers were initially developed for the F-14
[[F-14 Pitch Control]]
[[F-14 Direct Lift Control]]
[[F-14 Lateral Control System]]
[[F-14 Directional Control]]
[[F-14 ARI]]
F-14 Wing
[[F-14 Automatic Wing Sweep]]
[[F-14 Power Approach]]
- johnstonVolumeIIBlocka
- [2] Renfrow, Liebler, and Denham, “F-14 flight control law design, verification, and validation using computer aided engineering tools,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications CCA-94, Glasgow, UK: IEEE, 1994, pp. 359–364 vol.1. doi: 10.1109/CCA.1994.381441.
- [3] 19820005275
- [4] G. J. Balas, A. K. Packard, J. Renfrow, C. Mullaney, and R. T. M’Closkey, “Control of the F-14 Aircraft Lateral-Directional Axis During Powered Approach,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 899–908, 1998, doi: 10.2514/2.4323.
- [5] “Gain-Scheduled Lateral Control of the F-14 Aircraft During Powered Approach Landing.” Accessed: Jun. 23, 2024. [Online]. Available:
- [6] “The Fighter Pilot Podcast,” FighterPilotPodcast. Accessed: Jul. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available:
[[Command Augmentation System]]
[[F-14 Tomcat]]
[[Gain Margin]]
[[Navy CASTLE]]
[[Phase Margin]]
[[Sampling Frequency]]
[[Singular Values of a Matrix]]
[[Stability Augmentation System]]
[[Tustin Discretization Method]]