The F-111C operated by the RAF had the fuselage of the F-111A and the wing of the F-111B. The pitch stiffness, yaw stiffness, and rudder effectiveness were lower than the wind tunnel tests. The corrected sideslip excursion was 6 deg for the clean configuration and 13 degrees for the landing/takeoff configuration. The calibrations are stored as polynomial coefficients. MLE techniques were used to identify time lags in instrumentation channels. The aerodynamic and control derivatives were estimated with the output-error parameter estimation technique. The half-range of the responses was inverted and multiplied by 100 to get a matrix of whole numbers. This was multiplied by a confidence interval matrix between 1.0 and 2.0 to get the final weighting matrix for the Output-Error parameter estimation.
[[Nose Boom Transducing Unit]] – used in flight tests.
[[Output-Error Parameter Estimation]]
[[Cramer-Rao Bound]] – used as the measurement signal noise is bandwidth-limited
[[F-111C Aerodynamic Model]]
- [1] A. D. Snowden and J. S. Drobik, “F-111C Longitudinal and Lateral Aerodynamic Flight Data Analysis for Take-Off And Landing Configurations”.
F-14 Wing
[[Maximum Likelihood Error]]
[[Polynomial Coefficients]]