Gain Scheduling a Pitch Controller

To gain schedule a pitch controller first you need to find the linear transfer function for the plant. Then you must verify that the transfer function has acceptable behavior in relation to your actual system. Some of the environment or configuration changes that may need to be scheduled are changes in Mach number, dynamic pressure, flap positions, center of gravity due to fuel consumption

[[F-15 Inlet Ramp Schedule]] – inlet positions are scheduled based on the Mach number
[[F-16 Trailing Edge Flaperons]] – scheduled based on Mach number ranges
Stitched Learjet-25D model – uses flap position as part of the LPV scheduling parameter
[[F-18 Longitudinal Auto Flap Up]] – scheduled by air data



[[Center of Mass]]
[[Dynamic Pressure]]
[[Fowler Flaps]]
Gain Scheduling
[[Mach Number]]
[[Pitch Rate Tracking Control]]