
The f18bas was a combination of the dmsf18 and an ACSL batch simulation. It includes a thrust-vectoring system designed for the HARV system. The discrete control system is called every 0.025 seconds. It included a rolling moment increment that was a function of AOA. This introduces a rolling disturbance that approximates those caused by nose asymmetries. The effects of rudder toe-in on drag, pitch, and lift, as the toe-in can cause significant pitching moments. The gyro dynamics were not modeled but they could be approximated with the transfer function \(G(s)=\frac{1}{(s/220)+1}\). A simulation time of .025 seconds was used as it was a compromise between the sampling rates used by the flight control computer. (80, 40, 20, and 10 Hz)

[[f18harv]] – original HARV simulation that f18bas is based off of
[[QT Half Engine Thrust Model]] – used in the F-18 simulation
[[F-18 Pitch and Yaw Rate Gyro Model]]
[[F-18 Roll Rate Gyro Model]]
[[F-18 Normal Accelerometer Model]]
[[F-18 Lateral Accelerometer Model]]
[[F-18 Pedal Transducer Model]]
[[F-18 Static Pressure Sensor Model]]
[[F-18 Dynamic Pressure Sensor Model]]
[[F-18 AOA Model]]
[[F-18 Air Data Model]]
[[f18bas Thrust Vectoring Model]]
[[F-18 Actuator Models]]
[[F-18 OFP v8.3.3]] – digital flight control laws are based on this version


  • C. S. Buttrill, P. D. Arbuckle, and K. D. Hoffler, “Simulation model of a twin-tail, high performance airplane,” NASA-TM-107601, Jul. 1992. Accessed: Feb. 24, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19920024293


[[Advanced Continuous Simulation Language]]
[[Aerodynamic Moments]]
[[F-18 HARV]]
F-18 Legacy Hornet
F-18 OFP v10.5.1
[[Linearizing a MEMS Gyroscope Model]]
[[Sampling Frequency]]