Deadband control chooses a region around a set point where the behavior of the uncontrolled system is adequate. This is used so that the actuators are not worn out by extreme use and chattering as well as transportation overhead, in the case of human social and economic models. These actuators could be mechanical, or they could be human or otherwise in the case of sending out hunters for population control. A deadband filter is used to reject small disturbances in the position error. This can help reduce chatter by rejecting small corrective commands. When using deadband control, you must test it over the entire range of expected operating conditions.

[[Downside of Bang-Bang Control Systems]] – consequences of bad deadband selection
[[Nonlinear aspects of control systems]] – Deadband controls are a type of nonlinearity in a control system
PWPF Modulators – has an internal deadband due to the hysteresis.
[[F-18 Directional Auto Flap Up]] – rudder pedal trasnsducers are shaped using a deadband.
Pilot-Induced Oscillations
[[F-117 Roll Control Law]] – uses a small deadband
[[F-117 Up and Away Pitch Control Law]] – has a small deadband
[[F-117 Directional Control]] – also has a small deadband
F-117 PAARS – Recovery Sector 3 is defined by the deadband in the pitch axis
[[B-2 Actuator Loop Closures]] – use a deadband block
[[Viggen Flight Control System]] – has a deadband in the pitch stick forward path
[[RASCAL Baseline Control System]] – uses a deadband in the forward stick path
[[F-18 Lateral Auto Flap Up]] – uses a deadband in the lateral control
[[B-1 Pitch Control Channel]] – opposing hydraulic cylinders cause problems due to the effective deadband
[[B-1 Roll Control Channel]] – spoilers used deadband to avoid trim drag penalty
[[MAGIC CARPET Flight Path Rate Control Law]] – created an effective pitch deadband
[[F-4 Phantom Flight Control System]] – uses deadband for the autotrim circuit
[[F-14 Lateral Control System]] – shows deadband in roll channel of system B
[[C-17 Roll Control Law]] – includes a deaband in the spoiler channel
[[Sliding Mode Controller]] – deadzones may affect the switching frequency of the controller
[[Shuttle Pitch SAS]] – 1.15 degree deadband around control neutral contributes to PIO events
Su-37 Flight Control System– uses a deadband in the system
- Lotka Volterra Optimal Control, (Mar. 24, 2023). Accessed: Mar. 26, 2023. [Online Video]. Available:
- P. M. Devices, “Servo Motor Noise.” Accessed: May 24, 2023. [Online]. Available:
[[Lotka-Volterra Fishing Problem]]