Angle of Attack Sensors

Vane-type AOA sensors that protrude into the airstream are vulnerable to debris, bird-strikes, and icing conditions. They are also not very good for low-observable designs, and they do not perform well at high AOA angles or high sideslip angles. AOA sensors can either be based on aerodynamic data or inertial data.[^2]

[[Laser Doppler Anemometry]]
[[F-16 Air Data Selection]] – used various types of AOA sensors
[[AOA Estimation on the F-18]]
[[Spain A321 Flight Control Incident]] – 2 AOA sensors froze, FCS rejected working sensor
[[F-18 AOA Model]] – used in simulations

  • andreasChallengingPitotTube2022
  • ivlyersSpaceShuttleFlying[^2]


[[Air-Data Sensors]]
[[Angle of Attack]]
[[Low Observable Design]]