Submarine Drag Model

This submarine drag model is used as a load for a submarine propulsion system. There are many source of friction and drag such as peeling paint, corrosion, aquatic organisms. Form drag is also caused by the shape and flow around the submarine. A more detailed model would include the wake effects. When the submarine is at a depth of more than 1/3 of its length, the resistance from wave making is negligible. Most of the drag comes from skin/friction so the drag model is

Where \(\rho_{sw}\) is the density of seawater, \(v\) is the velocity of the submarine, \(S\) is the wetted area, and \(K_f\) is the coefficient of friction.

  • chenComprehensiveRealTimeHardwareIntheLoop2020


[[Aerodynamic Drag]]
[[Drag Coefficient]]
Nuclear Submarine Model
[[Submarine Speed]]