Lead-Lag Compensator to State-Space

You can take the Laplace transform of the lead-lag compensator to convert it into the state-space form. The frequency domain equations is
We can represent this as the multiplication of two transfer functions
If $$\frac{X}{U}=\frac{1}{s-p}$$
then we can rearrange this equation to solve for U
This gives us the laplace transform of
which is just
We do this again with
Rearrange to solve for y
We can then take the Laplace transform
which gives us

Therefore, our final state-space equation is
\dot{x(t)}=px(t)+u(t) \\

[[Machine Precision]] – used to determine the equivalence of systems
[[HL-10 SAS]] – used lead-compensators as part of a structural mode filter.

  • bendickinsonHowTransformLead2023