The equation for an integrator transfer function is \(\frac{1}{s}\). When you substitute \(s\) with \(j\omega\) the gain can be represented by
The phase of this transfer function is
$$arg(-\frac{1}{\omega},0) = -90\deg$$
If the input signal for the integrator is \(sin(\omega t)\), the output signal is \(-\frac{1}{\omega}cos(\omega t)\)
[[State-Space model with Sensor Bias]] – Constant biased sensor adds an integrator at the origin
[[Honeywell Multi-Application Control (MACH)]] – reduces inner-loop controller to an integrator
[[HL-10 Limit Cycle Tests]] – used integrator in the simplified transfer function.
[[Root-Locus plot of an Integrator]]
[[Actuator Limits]] – actuators modeled by a feedback loop wrapped around an integrator
[[Modified Mu-Synthesis]] – an additional integrator may provide desired washout
MFA Control Law – turns the VISTA system into an integrator
[[MFA Testing]] – verified that the dynamic inversion system was able to produce a pure integrator
[[Hydraulic Servoactuators]] – Transfer function is an integrator if no feedback elements are present
[[RASCAL Baseline Control System]] – adding an integrator slowly trimmed the stick to center
[[Dynamic SMC approach]] – insert an integrator between the controller and plant
[[L-188 Flight Control System]] – example of integrators in block diagrams
[[Shuttle Pitch SAS]] – uses an integrator as the equalization block
[[Limited Integrator]]
- briandouglasBodePlotsHand2012a
[[Bode Plot of an Integrator]]
Phase Lag
[[Transfer Functions]]