Eigenvalues of State-Space System

The eigenvalues of a state-space system representation can be described with the following equation
The eigenvalues of the state-space system can tell us about the stability of the system.

Positive real numberDriven away from a steady state (unstable)
Negative Real NumberDriven toward a steady state (stable)
0Remains at disturbed position
Identical to another eigenvalueeffects cannot be determined
Complex Positive Real NumberOscillates around steady state with increasing amplitude (unstable)
Complex Negative Real NumberOscillates around a steady state with decreasing amplitude (stable)
Imaginary NumberOscillates around steady-state value with constant amplitude

Your estimator gain matrix should have eigenvalues that are at least 5-10 times as fast as the controller eigenvalues. Slower eigenvalues provide sensor filtering.

[[Hopf Bifurcations]] – if two eigenvalues of a state-space system cross the imaginary axis, it can generate a hopf bifurcation.
[[Limit Points]] – generated as eigenvalues pass the imaginary axis
[[Advantages of the QR algorithm]] – can solve for all eigenvalues of a system
[[Tip Jet Dynamics]] – shows table of eigenvalues of tip-jet rotor
[[Root-Locus Plot of PI Pitch Rate Tracking Controller]] – shows eigenvalue of open/closed loop systems.
[[Modified Mu-Synthesis]] – ensure that any eigenvalues that are not within spec are actual physical states and not just controller states.
[[AC45 3DOF Model]] – shows eigenvalues of the state-space models


  • bevlyMECH4420Lecturea
  • DynamicalSystemsAnalysis
  • bevlyMECH4420Lectureb


[[Complex Numbers]]
F-22 Flight Control System
[[Root Locus Plots]]
[[Stability Analysis of Systems]]
State-Space Estimators
[[State-Space Model]]