Discrete systems must integrate and differentiate the equations for the system using discrete points. These discrete points have infinite precision and discrete spacing. Discrete systems are useful because we can take a discrete-time representation of a dynamic model or control system and represent it as a difference equation which can easily be implemented in a digital system. In mathematical notation they are typically denoted by uppercase letters To design a digital system we first need to discretize the continuous plant model. This can be done by sampling and holding the value of the plant. If the system is a linear shift-invariant system, then the output of the system will include frequency and exponential terms.
This produces a discrete output of the plant model with respect to discrete inputs.
This can then be combined back into a simple discrete-time control loop.
[[Discrete-Time State-Space Model]]
[[Designing Code for Discrete Systems]]
[[Difference Equation]]
[[Z-Transform Method]] – used when designing Discrete Systems.
[[LTI Systems]] – linear time-invariant
[[Digital Signal Processing]] – image of a mixed-signal discrete controller operating on a continuous plant with a continuous sensor.
State-Space Estimators – typically implemented as a discrete version
[[Discrete Signals]] – are used as inputs and outputs of discrete systems
- matlabWaysImplementTransfer2020a
- philslabPIDControllerImplementation2020
- ControlTutorialsMATLABq
- UnderstandingZTransformYouTube
- stengelAnalogVsDigital