Fission Products

There are 400 fission products, 40 of which are delayed-neutron precursors.[1] These precursors are typically modeled in 6 groups of delayed neutrons.[1] Fission products typically have a high kinetic energy due to the release of the nuclear binding energy.[2]

[[Uranium 235 Fission Products]]
Nuclear Cross-Section– fission products are affected by cross-section


  • [1] Nuclear Engineering Lectures, NE560 – Lecture 1: Intro to Kinetics and Dynamics, (Aug. 17, 2020). Accessed: May 25, 2023. [Online Video]. Available:
  • [2] T. J. Lawrence, “Nuclear Thermal Rocket Propulsion Systems”.


Delayed Fission Neutrons
[[Nuclear Fission]]
Point Reactor Kinetics Model